Bus . . . or Truck?
Labels: bus or truck
September 15, 2010August 3, 2010June 29, 2010WHY ARE YOU CLOSED?
This freakin' hoser needs to engage in some retail! WTF, Eaton Center, WTF?!? Hang with it to the end. That's when the crazy happens.
Editor's Note: I've been to Eaton Center. They were open. June 1, 2010May 21, 2010Fish Tales
I cannot believe Gordon's passed on this guy. Cannot believe it.
Related: In Soviet Russia, fish catch you! Labels: gordon's fish audition May 18, 2010May 13, 2010May 11, 2010Spin Cycle
Huh. Turns out the Surgeon General was right. Smoking really is bad for your health. Good for them, I say!
Labels: smoking merry go round whiplash May 6, 2010Epic Beard, Man!
Have you hugged your Internet today? Because it's 'bout to get real up in here.
Shout Out to Huffer Ed Money for the tip. (btw - not to be confused Epic Beard Man.) Labels: epic beard off May 5, 2010Bang! Bang!
This isn't so much 'ha-ha funny' as it is just 'awesome'. Anyway . . . I've seen this clip a few times over the years and it never fails to impress. Also - dogballs.
Labels: fastest gun in the west April 24, 2010April 21, 2010Dogs Go Sledding
Pretty much exactly what the title says. Also - I bet it feels good on their peters.
Labels: dogs go sledding peters April 14, 2010Ground Rule Trouble
Remember when they used to just throw t-shirts to the crowd in order to get people excited at games? Now they've got dogs shitting on the fields for fun.
(Hat tip to DJ BS for the link!) April 12, 2010March 29, 2010Internet Marketing Message! Twitter! Internet!
Hey Internet® - Toner Huffer is on The Twitter Machine!
You should follow us on twitter ---> @Tonerhuffer. Or, you know, you should just hang out. And maybe eat a sandwich. We don't care. (but, yeah, follow us - you'll get the same info you get here - you'll just get it sooner.)(probably) ![]() Labels: twitter tonerhuffer Say Hello to My Little Friend. No, Really.
When I was
Shout out to Huffer Zach-a-Tach via Huffer Melonzip. Thanks for duh tip! Holla! Labels: scarface kids March 26, 2010Q: What Did You Get For Your Birthday?
A: A toupee, a consultation with my lawyer, a year's supply of Silly String as a settlement, and ongoing therapy for my pussy son.
(Thanks Huffer Melonzip for the tip!) Labels: crappy birthday March 25, 2010One Cheeseburger, Good Sir!
I can't believe a drunk moron in a Tap Out t-shirt doesn't know how to behave in public.
Labels: drunk cheeseburger guy |