September 21, 2007

Around the World in 1825 Days

While this is a bit of a stray from our normal jackass-esque videos, I think this is pretty post worthy. Meet Sjaak Lucassen. He spent 5+ years circling the globe on his Yamaha R1 sportbike. Considering it's not the most comfortable bike to ride or suited for the type of riding he did, his story is pretty remarkable. And he did all of this without a fancypants support team. (Ewan, I'm talking in your direction.)

Check out the video and then spend the rest of your time daydreaming . . .



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw Sjaak's presentation about his trip while he visited Kansas City.
Wow! He is the definition of hard core. Can you imagine getting stuck in the mud in two feet of water and having to get the bike out while having a twisted ankle and broken toe? He has video of this.

He documented the trip through beautiful photos and many video clips. His photos have great composition and subject matter to them. Not your average tourist photos at all.
He spent six days camping near a mountain in South America waiting for the weather to clear enough to get a good photo.

9/26/07, 9:25 AM  

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