February 1, 2008

Monday's Music: Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip

Sorry for the slow posting this week . . . we've been tied up in alcohol-induced comas management meetings around T'Huff Headquarters. We're launching a new feature . . . Monday's Music. Basically, stuff that we're listening to that you should be listening to, too. Don't worry, we'll still keep posting the normal garbage. And, as an fyi, Monday's Music posts can show up any day of the week . . . it's just that Friday's Music or whatever sounds stoooopid. So check back often. Or don't. We don't care.

ANYWAY > > > > > > > > > check it:

Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you guys ever thought about adding a user submission feature where your viewers could submit things to you for review and possible posting if they are huff worthy?

2/1/08, 6:09 PM  
Blogger huffer1 said...

Yup. We're looking into it right now. Hopefully we'll have that functionality set up by the end of the month. Or, failing that, hopefully we just get drunk. Thanks.

2/2/08, 4:21 PM  

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